2. Setup add-on configuration

1. Open Home Assistant menu on the left side (sidebar) and click on your HA account name (at bottom of menu, bellow “Notifications”)

2. Click on “Security” tab

3. Scroll to bottom to “Long-lived access token” and click “CREATE TOKEN”

4. Type some name (e.g. Klet3D token) and click “OK”

5. Copy displayed token.
NOTE: you must copy it now because you will not be able to access it later

6. Go to Settings -> Add-ons -> click “GLAMOS Klet3D”

7. Go to “Configuration” tab (1).

8. Paste token you copied earlier to “Token” field (2).

11. Click “SAVE”. (5)

12. Go back to add-on “Info” tab and click “START”.

13. When add-on started, click “OPEN WEB UI”.

14. It should display a 3D view of your home. 🏠

1. Make sure that you have dowloaded files from Github repository. Steps to do that find on previous step of instruction LINK

2. Open “docker-compose.yml” file which you’ve downloaded. You will need to edit parameters inside.

4. Open Home Assistant menu on the left side (sidebar) and click on your HA account name (at bottom of menu, bellow “Notifications”)

5. Click on “Security” tab

6. Scroll to bottom to “Long-lived access token” and click “CREATE TOKEN”

7. Type some name (e.g. Klet3D token) and click “OK”

8. Copy displayed token.
NOTE: you must copy it now because you will not be able to access it later.

Paste token on “TOKEN” field in “docker-compose.yml” file you’ve opened.

9. Now you need to write your Home Assistant URL to “HA_URL” field in “docker-compose.yml” file.

11. SAVE changes in “docker-compose.yml” file.
Image bellow shows you EXAMPLE of one final “docker-compose.yml” file.

12. Run the following CLI command to build and start the container in detached mode:

docker-compose up –build -d

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