1. Install add-on

There are 2 options to install add-on on your Home Assistant

3. It will ask “Open page in your Home Assistant?”
Click “Open link

4. If HA URL was correct, it will redirect you to your HA.
It will display pop-up message “Missing add-on repository”,
Click ADD.

5. You can now see GLAMOS Klet3D add-on page.

6. If installation was successful, you will see add-on page with additional options.
We recommend to turn on all available options: “Start on boot” (1), “Watcdog” (2), “Auto update” (3) and “Show in sidebar” (4).

1. Open your Home Assistant and go to Settings -> Add-ons -> Add-on store (button in bottom right corner)

2. At top right corner click on 3 dots and select “Repositories

4. Refresh the page and scroll until you see “GLAMOS Klet3D Add-on”. Click on that box.

5. You can now see GLAMOS Klet3D add-on page.

6. If installation was successful, you will see add-on page with additional options.
We recommend to turn on all available options: “Start on boot” (1), “Watcdog” (2), “Auto update” (3) and “Show in sidebar” (4).

To do that open above URL, click on “Code” button (1) to display dropdown menu.
Then choose to download files in ZIP folder (2) OR to use CLI command (3) for download.

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