Klet3D is Home Assistant

add-on for animated 3D view of your home

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From 2D floorplan to your 3D home

Simplify your home management tasks with our user-friendly 3D visualization add-on, offering intuitive navigation and real-time updates on sensor readings

Enhanced Data Security

None of your sensor data will be exported from Home Assistant! All sensor data will stay local and private

Comprehensive Data Integration

Seamlessly integrates with various sensors installed throughout the home (lights, doors, windows, temperature, CO2, humidity…)

Real-Time Monitoring

Provides live real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing users to visualize the status of their home environment instantly through a 3D representation

User-Friendly Interface

Offers an intuitive user interface, making it accessible to users of all technical backgrounds. Navigation within the 3D environment is simple and user-friendly.

Multi-Platform Compatibility

Compatible with various devices, including tablets and mobile devices, ensuring users can 3D visualize their home from anywhere

Component as a Switch

Click on 3D components like lights will change their state (turn on/off). No need for plain buttons and overcrowded panels which can be complicated for family

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